These were the six questions I asked:
1. What do you expect to see in the opening of a film?
2.What openings have stood out to you in film in the past?
3.What are the conventions of a horror genre?
4.What do you expect to see in an opening to a film in the horror genre?
Here is where I explain my own idea: 5.What do you think of my idea?
6.Would this opening make you watch the rest of the film?
Here is a short video featuring answers of my questions by Nathan Sanders, Poppy Frost and Harry New:
Unfortunately I wasn't able to film my other people answering the questions:
So I had to write them down, here are they answers.
Answers from Steph Gosling (16)
1. An opening should included information about the setting for example years, the background, for example if the main action took place in a city.
2. Notable openings for her were the opening to Insidious and Shrek.
3. In Steph's opinion the conventions were murder, blood and progression.
4. She said that an opening to a film in the Horror genre should be an Introduction to the main Villain, fear and maybe blood and violence.
5. After explaining my idea to her, she said that it was a good idea and would be interesting.
Answers from Ellie Payne and Ellen Whitmore (17):
1. They said: The title of the film, introduction to the theme and an introduction to the characters.
2. Notable opening for them were: Lucy, James Bond films ( Especially the more modern ones such as Sky fall)
3. The conventions of Horror in their opinion : There should be some tension, some dramatic music and Jump scares.
4. In a opening in a horror film there should be: The villain, confusion within the main characters and some tense music.
5. After explain my idea, they thought that it was: Enjoyable, Interesting and different from most horror films out already.
6. They said they would, however maybe have show more detailed in what's going to happen next, would peck there interest.
With this information in mind when making my film I will consider the following, music; I will seek out the right music to create drama and tension, such as horror piano pieces. A full introduction to both characters.
Tension that should be created by the two leads, slower movement, fuller length shots ect.