Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Openings that I enjoy

 Hot Fuzz
Opening timing: 1:46
Hot Fuzz is a satirical idea of mainstream America Cop, movies mixing in the stereotypes of the police force and the realism of the hard work and dedication behind that, it explores modern cops films as well as the distention of the mind always in of criminal  justices. It is nicely rapped up in a comedic idea of the stereotypes of the West country and small towns imagine of the 'perfect life', the beautiful and skills using foreshadowing, always using tiny details which the audience will see more of after more viewings. The climax is action packed, and has the height of hilarity that will have the audience really laughing all the way  thought. The climax has an underlining feelings of the exception of modern life and peoples thrust to have a more exciting life, that they will even go to violent means to get this. A very enjoyable and delightful movie, that I would show others maybe a few more times.

The Opening itself.

I enjoy this opening because of it's shots and fast paced opening.It uses a series of panned and tilted shots, as well as Close ups on Nichols face, gives the audience a sense of who the character was and his motivation.
 It shows Nichols Angle fixation on being with the police force by showing him do excellent in his academic  studies, while the shots give the impression of a usual action movie, having a lot of close ups and cuts. The editing is sweetly accompanied by the sound of  fast paced music, a mix of guitar and smooth jazz really set the tone of fast paced and quick line delivery, as well as some diegetic sound sounds to add simple realism; which fit nicely in to the films gaps in the music score.
The most interesting thing about this opening, is the story of his police career, is a very boring story, made exciting by the quick way of his delivery and the juxtaposition of the flashing images of dramatic violent work he has to do.
What I like most about the opening  is it's simple sets up the character and the story, which expresses his enjoyment of his work, the determination in his voice as he riddles off his life. Ever second is like a racing heart beat, which is a contrast as the rest of Hot Fuzz is a satire of modern testosterone fulled actions police films, which ignore the realism.
The opening is humorous, exciting and sets the tone for the film. It's shot well and the acting is on point.When I come on to develop and make my film I will use this films editing and character establishing as an example.

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